"I love how high school science is so hands on, we get to use bunsen burners, study animal skeletons and understand the power of magnets."
What does the course entail?
Our primary aim in Science is to instil a passion for Science and a willingness to ask questions about the world from a scientific perspective. Learning in Science takes place by experimenting, researching, contemplation and reflection, by asking questions and by developing thinking skills. In Year 7, students begin to develop a sound scientific work ethic which envelops the process of close observation, accuracy of measurement, detailed research using wide-ranging resources, critical analysis of internet sources/scientific communication and literacy, social responsibility and investigating scientifically using fair testing strategies. These are developed within the science understandings described below. CHEMISTRY Students investigate the techniques that can be used to separate solutions and mixtures into pure substances. They are introduced to the periodic table and explore some of the common elements that they may come across in their lives. PHYSICS Students consider the interaction between multiple forces when explaining changes in an object's motion. In particular, we look at gravity, friction, magnetism, electrical and elastic forces and apply these to the world around us. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE Students explore the diversity of life on Earth and develop an understanding of the role of classification in ordering and organising information. They use and develop models such as food chains, webs and the water cycle to represent the flow of energy through systems. EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE Students investigate the relationships between the Earth, sun and moon and use models to predict and explain events. They explore the notion of renewable and non-renewable resources. |
What Learning pathway could this course take me on?
Head of Learning Area: Mrs Michelle Prasad
Contact Number: 9591 4218
Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Number: 9591 4218
Contact Email: [email protected]